The combatants of the self-appointed Revolutionary Popular Army (EPR) must understand that the games and the suppositions are not applied to which has been called, by they themselves, like a day of "self-defense" against the government of Felipe Calderón Hinojosa, by the dirty war untied in his against and for the presentation with life of two of its companions, kidnap-we go to apply this term -; they at first showed that by members of the state police of Oaxaca, in the little short while they changed of opinion and they implied the Mexican Army and to quartered federal forces in the organization, they even demonstrated the anger of the agent chief executive oaxaqueño by not to be informed into the operative one. The diverse contradictions in which they have fallen warn that they are not informed by an own body of intelligence, much except their analysts take safe step of which they in front of have them.
They notice in his exposition of the 18 of September, that is a recording, we suppose that a video, of the delivery of Edmundo Andrés Kings Amaya and Gabriel Alberto Cross Sanchez, who presumably made the government state as crossing of both stopped to federal forces. The separate military command of the EPR emphasizes in this line of tendenciosa form, because they suppose that in each delivery of prisoners the authorities record to demonstrate so the inmate was presented/displayed with life and walking by his own foot, have seen it in the noticiarios, therefore raise the possibility that there is a tape. In the official notice of the 18 of September, members of that armed group they skid in his contradiction, they send "a hunting stupid" and were some fell in the garlito, as the town says, and until offer explanations denying the facts was worth the trouble to give credit to a clandestine organization?
On the other hand, the guerrillas have gone digressing, they do not know who were, accuse without tests the government and their forces, deny de facto that they are implied in this case radical groups extreme within the own EPR or if it is a collection of revolutionary debts that have slopes with clandestine organizations who operate in territory oaxaqueño, according to she has extended by the influence of zones where she operates the drug trafficking and the passage of undocumented people.
The previous thing is a point that there is to consider of serious form, until today the EPR has not even explained what meant in its official notice of the 19 of 2007 July, where speaks of treasonous, even does one remembranza that is necessary to include it: "There are men who have soul of treasonous, in his acts they show it and they are product encubado by this capitalist system, but they can know and we must speak us with them, something will remain and is possible that they change because they have right and we must respect them because they are human beings" to:Roger Puberto.
It is necessary to notice that the message goes directed to that corresponds, and is not to the government, but to combatants of the group at issue, which makes suppose that the internal war post-APPO was generated and exploded in executions; nevertheless, these could not be public, would demonstrate the armed group and that the fight that the APPO carried out, in the end was lucrative for a few.
There is more, in the official notice in mention reference to the work becomes that the two disappeared people made, emphasizes on the subject and treats, at least in that writing, to establish the work from harassment to the government who maintained, do not remember that they attended Oaxaca and they are contradicted, since the people at issue lived in the city, did not arrive from other states to amend the error of the person in charge of Oaxaca, which puts on the table the possibility of a division marked between militants of that group. We understand then, that the EPR has not said all the truth, are exactitudes by halves, practices a perverse game of lies, contradictions, passages without sense and questions that still are in the air.
In the letter of the 19 of July they indicated to General Oropeza Garnica, ordered of the 18 military zone of Oaxaca, to have to its companions under torture, even emphasize that from own hand of the general they received both scuestrados tortures physics that had left sequels How knew them as much? They leave misinterpret its sayings, since only the twig can know until where her victim has physical sequels. Of equal way, the accusations and denunciations let have validity when basing them on suppositions, dimes and diretes, part of the text of the EPR is the following one: "We are found out that the torture to that they have been put under, directly by general Oropeza Garnica, from the physical point of view has left sequels them and in spite of that the twigs continue with the psychological torture".
It is necessary to emphasize that this letter is important for the elucidation of the internal fight, send a code that happened unnoticed for many, in him try to present that to the interior of the EPR the austerity and ethics are Vista well, of course who the message is for the militant supporters and. They even maintain the combatant possibility that open there is to the interior which they are speaking too much, and that that form to act could be arriving at ears from "orejas".De forms precise the message is understood, it takes orders that transcribe an alert, that it notices that there were informers and that these could have paid their treason.
Perhaps the Martinez Soriano talk about to the person of Felipe, do not say their name, but she exceeds to do it, since they make account of the austerity absence, trascurre between the population oaxaqueña that the economic bonds for the Soriano family raised after the fight of the APPO, run on the ethics because they create without to prove the one that "puas", as Martinez Soriano is known in that movement, agreed to with the government the crease of the popular forces that the EPR had in the APPO in the 2006, is a hypothesis which it exists, without still demonstrating it by the EPR, and that nevertheless is causing serious movements to the interior of the armed groups.
The official notice of the 19 of July is interesting, taking into account that the EPR raised their strategy to continue responding with armed actions, but at the same time lets glimpse that like the Public opinion, does not have the certainty of whom it could have kidnapped to his combatants.
Reason why it corresponds to the official notice of the 19 of September, insist on raising his position and the stubborn defense of his actions, although now trying to demonstrate the government of Oaxaca, the same one that in other points of view of the EPR, had been exonerated, it goes form to insist on an exposition that puts in doubt fabric the veracity in the disappearance of the two people in mention, and that opens plus the breaches of doubts and contradictions, mainly of raised the 19 of July who are the traitors, who the informers, new who the rich ones, to whom them ethical lack? These questions follow without being been responsible for the EPR.